The Farmer's Daughter

Life. Family. Farming

It’s Been Awhile!

IMG_4890A customer came in today and made the comment that he missed the blog. At least one person reads it!  I knew it had been awhile since my last post but was not prepared to see that it has been 6 months. 6 months!! So much has happened that I couldn’t even begin to fill you in on all the details.  It has been 6 months full of ups and downs (mostly ups!), learning, playing and lots of working.  We had a great summer harvest and maize season. We took a couple of trips and made it to the beach a few times.  I am taking an agri-business management course and one of the topics in my first class was “Learning to delegate and organize and what that means for your quality of life”. I snickered as did all my fellow farmer classmates. Delegate?! Organize!? But seriously it is probably one of the topics I paid attention to most.  Doing things you love and learning how to manage work, farm and family was the jist of the session…so here I am, taking time to write and share. During the session I realized over the busy 6 months that I wasn’t taking as many photos, hiking like I said I wanted to or freezing veggies for winter like I have said I would do for the last 5 years. I was floating through the craziness by spending as much time with my kids as I could and trying to keep a normal schedule for them.  As a working mom and anyone out there with kids understands, there is a list of “things I would like to do” and the list of “the reality of life that fits into the 24 hour day”. The blog was definitely on the “things I would like to do” list. Hearing someone say they missed it has once again given me inspiration.  Thank you Mike!!

Holiday time around the farm means 4 things.
1. The maize is over…finally!
2. Time to catch up all of the things that get put off during the maize.
3. It’s time to make the wreaths! ie: try not to get shot while collecting boughs during hunting season.
4. More time to spend together as a family not business partners

Christmas Magic

Christmas Magic

Our family enjoys getting together for the holidays (even after spending 7 weeks of working closely with one another) and we always make time to get together no matter what everyone’s schedule is.  There are 13 of us humans and 9 dogs. It feels a little bit like being in a zoo sometimes.  I will leave out which person represents which animal…wouldn’t want to offend!  For us it is about being together, eating good food and laughing. The addition of the 4th generation has made things a lot more exciting for sure.  I find myself moving that ridiculous Elf on the Shelf at 2 in morning when I wake up in a panic that the kids might be on to me. Saying things like “Do you want me to call Santa and tell him how naughty you are being?” and watching the awe in their faces when Santa sends them an e-mail video message from the North Pole.  The magic of Christmas has a new meaning when you have little ones!

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Kid Free!

Trellised cucumbers in the greenhouse. Production has increased considerably since we started using this method a few years ago.


Holy heck is it hot out! While I am melting and complaining our corn is loving it.  I wish I had a time lapse camera and could show you just how fast corn grows with the hot and humid weather.  Time is flying by!  Summer always seems to be so busy, we have something going on every weekend and the farm is going gangbusters.  We are starting to see our summer vacationers shopping in the farm stand and our locals are excited about all the new produce.  The maze has been cut and now the process of getting all of our ducks in a row for the new season has begun.  I have been feverishly working on our new website. I am so excited to launch it and hear feedback (and to be done!).  I am proud to say that most of the photos are mine that I have been collecting over the last few months.  I absolutely love documenting the growth of our crops in photos…It makes me happy!

Today while working on the website I came across our mission statement.  It is so simple yet so perfect.  In just 3 sentences it sums up what we are all about and reading it made me slow down and refocus.  I have been caught up in the insane busyness that is my life! My mother told me last week that I needed to STOP making lists so that I wouldn’t get overwhelmed with all my tasks. Gasp!  I am a list maker and a type A personality! Work, motherhood, house, wife, it all needs to be in order and everything in it’s place (picture frantic, heavily caffeinated crazy lady)…Time to slow down and remember what it’s all about.

Sherman Farm’s mission is to produce excellent quality and great tasting farm food products in an efficient and respectful manner.  We will produce our products in the most progressive way possible with the utmost respect for ourselves, our employees, our customers and our land.  Important to us is our ability to honestly educate the consumer on the methods and philosophy of producing these products.

Big and I are leaving for California the first week of July for a wedding.  KID FREE! But in a big city…this country girl will be so thankful to be home when it’s all said and done.  Big’s best friend from childhood is getting married and we are very excited to be able to share the day with him and his wife to be.  Did I mention we would be KID FREE!  I took this picture of the Maine sign at the end of  our property as a wedding present.  I hope the happy couple will enjoy a little taste of home hanging on their wall. KID FREE!

Happy Summer!


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A gorgeous day last week!

We could not have asked for better weather over the holiday weekend!  We had a productive and busy week here.  The sun was a welcome sight this week and the temps were above average. More plastic was laid, 2nd and 3rd plantings of corn were planted and lots of planning for events and new adventures.  We will be launching a new website very soon and I have been spending my free time learning how it works and taking photos.  I seem to have less and less time to write!  I did have a request for my homemade laundry detergent so I will pass that along as soon as I make my next batch.

Salad Mix tossed with olive oil and vinegar. Simple and delicious!

Over the last couple of weeks I was beginning to crave  roughage.   The stuff at the grocery store wasn’t satisfying this self proclaimed produce snob.  Thankfully fresh produce is starting to trickle in, we have asparagus, lettuce, baby spinach (new this year), salad mix and arugula.  Eating the first fresh salad of the year is a great moment.  It makes you appreciate just how wonderful fresh produce is and how much better it tastes.  I love going out to the greenhouse and picking my lunch into a bowl.  Eating healthy “freshies” (as we call them) makes you feel great, it’s good for the soul.  It’s so fun to walk through the greenhouses and see the changes that are happening over night.  We have cucumbers in blossom, fruit on the tomatoes, corn popping up through the soil, peas starting   to blossom…so much happening!

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost June.  Before you know it school will be out, we’ll be working day and night, strawberries will be in, we’ll be begging for a day off, peas will be ready, we’ll be perpetually dirty and summer will be underway!  Summer is a labor of love for us…so much work yet so much satisfaction to watch our customers enjoy the fruits of our labor.


Asparagus grilled with olive oil, salt and pepper is a favorite around here!


I did a radio show on Thursday with the Granite State Dairy Promotion.  Amy and GSDP are incredible advocates for the dairy industry and farmers across New Hampshire.  The host asked me what it was about farming, why we do it…I got all choked up explaining it! You’ve heard me before so I won’t go into it.  Having the opportunity to promote our business on air was great and speaking with people who understand the industry was even better.  A big thank you to 107.7 The Pulse and GSDP for the air time!

Like The Granite State Dairy Promotion on Facebook to keep up with them and get updates on events around the state.

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Enough With This Weather!

Ok Mother Nature we concede! We need some sunshine…our plants and our attitudes need more then one day of nice weather.  Quite frankly it gets boring around here when the weather holds us back.  Jeff paces and complains, I get grouchy, Mom tries to find things to keep the employees busy.  It’s rough around here when it rains for days on end!  There seems to be relief in sight after tomorrow and we can resume planting.

Spring planting had finally begun and it has rained for 2 weeks….We got our first plantings of sweet corn and peas in 2 weeks ago but we need some sun to dry things out to continue.  The warm weather we had in March and April didn’t fool us into planting too early.  My grandfather always went by soil temperature and not air temperature.  We got the itch with the warm spell that had us in the 80’s during March but had to hold ourselves back.  Patience paid off as we had several nights below freezing the last week of April.  As you can see from the photo we take some help from mechanical tools whenever possible.  We have a six row planter with a computerized monitor that regulates seed flow, spacing and water flow.  We use the planter for sweet corn, peas, and beans. Jeff also has a GPS that allows him to plant rows as straight as possible.  Keeping rows straight helps maximize space in the field and allows us to use every acre as efficiently as we can.

Last week we approved our maze design for 2012 and are so excited about this coming season.  The maze is a true labor of love.  There is so much work that goes into it! 7 long weeks of grueling hours, 1000’s of people , field trips…and that’s after all the work to get it up and running!   When November roles around we are so glad that the season is over we don’t even want to being to think about next year.  A little time goes by and suddenly we are thinking about design, new attractions and getting excited for the new season.  Every year to strive to make things a little different and keep people coming back.  We have some tricks up our sleeves for 2012…keeping them secret is so hard, but so fun!

Please leave a comment if you have any questions about the way we do things around the farm.  Is there a piece of equipment you’ve seen in the field and thought “what is that?”  Do you wonder why there are miles of plastic rows in our fields?  Do our goats have names?  What is the name of that flower you saw last summer? I would love to do a Q & A post!


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Memory Lane

My Aunt Debbie sent this photos to us last night.  It was one she had found shortly after my grandfather passed away.   Talk about memory lane!  48 years ago my grandparents bought this farm.  Gramp traveled up from Pepperell, Mass with a college friend, Uncle Ephie as we call him, in February 1964.  My gram said he fell in love with the mountains and the rich river valley soil and bought the place!  He saw potential and began dreaming of all the things that could be done.  Here we are 48 years later…

There is so much history here it amazes me sometimes!  I have been staring out my office window thinking about how much fun my grandfather would have had with Miss D and Miss K.  Two fearless, precocious farm girls he would have been so proud of.  I am flooded with so many memories of my childhood when I see the girls playing and doing some of the same things I loved to do as kid.  When I see Jeff making pass after pass in the field with Little L sleeping in his lap it brings tears to my eyes.  Snapping photos was one of Gramp’s hobbies and I feel a little nostalgic every time I take my camera bag out on the 4 wheeler to field with me.  I have been making  a point of documenting everything possible with my camera when I get a few minutes.

So much is going on here that it like a whirlwind of activity.  Delivery trucks and tractors with all kinds of different implements are constantly going in and out.  The air smells of manure as many fields all around us are getting a dose of fertilizer.  The green houses are filling up and Jeff has the planter tuned up and ready to go.  The cold nights are still keeping us from getting our first plantings in the ground but we should be ready roll very soon.  16 acres of oats were planted late last week.  The Hussey’s harvest the oats for their horses and then we bale the leftover straw for bedding for our beef cattle.   We are going to focus very heavily on cover cropping this year to help keep weeds at bay and increase the organic matter in our soil.  We are trying to increase some of our early crops and give our customers more selection in the early summer.  Baby spinach, early carrots, radishes and lettuces are just a few of things that we are trying to get in earlier then usual.  We are busy planning for a couple of events this summer and getting our maze design settled.  I know Gramp would be so proud of the progress we are making and the way things, business wise and family wise, are going.   Staying progressive in this industry is so important.  He made sure to do just that and taught us to do the same.

The goats  are now in their new pasture behind the farm stand and they are soaking up the sun.  Feel free to stop by and give them a pat.  They adore the attention!   We have added to 13 new beef cattle to the barn and 30 new pigs.  Miss K is in love with the little guys.  I can see a lesson on the circle of life coming this fall when they go to market…

We got some much needed rain earlier in the week.  The girls had a blast playing in mud puddles and using their umbrellas.


Big’s Pancake Cupcakes…He’s a Keeper!

Easter morning we were awoken at the crack of dawn by two little chubby cheeked, blonde heads bobbing up and down by our bed yelling “The Easter bunny came!”  Our egg hunt was over by 6:30 and the girls had already consumed more candy then they are allowed in one week usually.  My house was loud and the girls were going 100 miles per hour, all before I had my first sip of coffee.  I could have cared less about making breakfast! Lucky for me Big is in charge of pancakes on Sunday morning.  I take great pride in culinary abilities (thank you Momma!)  but there are two things I never attempt in the kitchen…Pancakes and hard boiled eggs.  Don’t ask!  Easter morning Big surprised his girls with pancake cupcakes.  Looks like a cupcake tastes like a pancake.  Big made two of my favorite things into one delicious breakfast treat…He’s a keeper for sure!  He poured blueberry pancake batter (from a box , how simple is this?) in a muffin tin and tossed them in the oven.  I whipped up a quick maple cream cheese frosting because what’s a cupcake without frosting right?  It’s a new Sunday staple in our house!  They were light and fluffy and the frosting didn’t have a whole lot of sugar so I wouldn’t feel guilty giving it to the girls at 7am.  Try this one, you’ll be surprised and oh so happy!



Pancake Cupcakes

Adapted from Big Daddy’s House

  • Pancake batter made according to directions on box
  • blueberries or anything you typically enjoy in pancakes
  • 4oz Cream Cheese
  • 2 TB Maple Syrup (more or less to taste)
  • 1/4 –  1/2c powdered sugar (more or less to taste)

Spray muffin tin with non stick spray or use liners.  Make pancake batter according to directions and add in any of your favorite fruit (or chocolate). Pour batter into tin filling about 2/3 of the way up.  Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cupcake comes out clean. While the cupcakes are cooling mix cream cheese and maple syrup until fluffy.  Add in powdered sugar a little at time tasting as you as go.  The frosting should be made according to how you and your family would like by adding more or less of the maple syrup or sugar.  Top the cupcakes while slightly warm and enjoy!

*These would be great drizzled with plain old Maple syrup. This Sunday Big is going to top the frosted cupcakes with crispy bacon crumbles…Is it Sunday yet?!

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On my way to the farm Monday morning I stopped and snapped this.  The sky was sapphire blue and Jeff had just plowed the field over the weekend.  This is one view that I will never get sick of!  We have a little piece of Heaven right here East Conway.

I am home with the girls today. They are napping and I am sitting on my couch with a cup of coffee.   This was a rough week!  I have a few big projects at work and at home.  Big was gone for a night for work. The girls are at tough ages and we are potty training with Miss K.  The balance of motherhood and work is so tough!  I can not imagine my life without my kids and I can not imagine it without the farm.   I am constantly wondering if I am doing enough to satisfy both home and work needs.   Are my kids getting enough from me? Did I do everything I needed to at work?  Is my house clean? The laundry done?  I feel so guilty sometimes!  The girls don’t go to dance class.  They don’t take Spanish lessons.  We don’t always get to the park each week.  I knew from day one at home with Miss D that I couldn’t be a stay at home mom.   Farming is in my blood!  At the time I was working part time at the farm and managing a small medical practice.  When my grandfather passed I felt an overwhelming need to farm  full time and devote my life to the family business.  Little did I know that being a working mom was so hard!  Being a mom is hard enough but then you throw in the job, the house, the laundry…Whoa!

My girls are not lacking in the love department…I can feel good about that right?  They are growing up just the way I did and I think my childhood was pretty great.  Perspective!  A long talk with a good friend helped me gain some.  She reminded me that kids don’t need things, they need love.  They need a safe place to play and learn.  Just one look at that picture and you can see that they don’t need dance lessons or Spanish classes.  They have plenty of room to run and 3 guys from Mexico to teach them Spanish every summer.   I see a light in each of the girls eyes when they are at the farm. They are at home here. They are welcomed with open arms by everyone.  They are happy.





Knowledge is Power!

It has taken me several attempts to get started on this post.  I have re-written and deleted many times!  I have thought long and hard about how to tackle the Pink Slime controversy.  So here it is cut and dry, honest, black and white…YOU have to be your own advocate when it comes to the food you eat! Educate yourself, take the time to ask questions, read labels, BUY LOCALLY!

I am still unsure about what is fact or fiction about Pink Slime even after an hour of research.  Common Sense Agriculture is the best site I have come across so far. It is unbiased and fact based.  I am not going to discuss my opinion, tell you what is right and wrong or get  into the pink slime debate.  I want you to form your own opinions and do your own research.


I say this time and time again…Knowing where your food comes from is the most important step you can take to safe guard your family in the war on food safety.    Buying local, asking questions and educating yourself on where, why and how your food is getting from farm to table is a great way to ensure that you are putting the best possible products on your table.  Of  course I want to tell you to buy from your local farmer all the time. The fact of the matter is that in New England, with a short growing season, it’s not always possible.  I depend heavily on the grocery store in the winter months.  As busy people, schlepping all over town to several different stores is not always convenient.  The grocery store is not the enemy…there are wonderful products available from local companies who use safe , responsible practices to produce their food.  Find them by reading labels, doing research and going the extra mile to ensure you are getting a great product.  There are incredible sources for milk, meat, produce and cheeses all around you, you just have to take the time to look and ask questions.

I thank my lucky stars that the food available to me is raised in my back yard.  I realize that this is not the norm and I am incredibly grateful for what my family is able to produce for ourselves and our customers.  We take great pride in educating our customers and taking the time to answer their questions and provide them with best products we possibly can.

Make friends with your local farmer no matter where you are!

Please feel free to e-mail me with questions about our products or leave a comment.


National Ag Day

It’s a gorgeous day! Spring is coming and there is a renewed energy around this place.  The pungent aroma of manure is in the air, the dogs are basking in the sun and the snow is melting.   There couldn’t be a better day to celebrate National Agriculture Day.  We farmers are a proud bunch, we are proud of what we produce, we are proud of how we produce it, we are proud of the respectful way in which we treat the land and animals.  Everyday should celebrate farmers and the industry in which produces our food!  Today we should celebrate farmers who use management practices that respect the land, the animals and consumers they produce for.    Agriculture is an industry that has been surrounded in controversy. Poor management practices in a small percentage of farms have put a red flag on an industry that is an integral part of this country.  For every one farm that uses poor management practices there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other farms that respectfully produce food, plants and animals. Farmers who believe in what they are doing and put their heart and soul into their products make up a majority of this industry.

Farming is a lifestyle, plain and simple.  It is not a job that you go home from at night.  It is not a job that provides benefits and a retirement plan.  Farming is in your blood, there is no denying the desire to work with animals or grow crops.  There is a passion that you feel from the soles of your feet to the top of your head that can’t be explained. Everyday is an adventure, nothing is ever boring and there is always something new around the corner.  You can wake up to a favorite old cow passing and go to bed with a new baby calf laying next her mama.  You can go to bed with the sound of raindrops on your window and wake up to a flood the next morning.  We adapt, we change with the times, we persevere, it’s what we do to survive in this industry.

Sherman Farm and this family are here to make a difference in the agriculture industry and to educate the public on where food comes from and how it gets from farm to table.  So today remember that your local farmer works hard to produce products that are wholesome and that you feel safe to offer your family.  Make it a point to know where your food comes from and to educate yourself on the practices of food safety.  Make it a point to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes your local farmer and their products.

Today give thanks for the food that you put on your table and give thanks to the people who help to put there. Happy Ag Day!

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Cinnamon Roll Cake

I have been baking like Betty lately. I bet the real Betty Crocker didn’t wear rubber boots and chase farm animals for a living though!

If you love Cinnamon Rolls like I do then hurry up and get off the couch and in the kitchen. This recipe is easy and has all the flavor of cinnamon rolls but is much less work.  Instant gratification! Don’t be scared by the amount of butter. You can 1/2 the amount of topping and still come out with a great product. I made the full amount of topping and ended up not using all of it, there seemed to be more them enough.  There is no cake left and Miss D (she has my sweet tooth) LOVED it.

Pinterest has sucked me in and I am a pinning fool. This recipe came from there and many other fun things that I can’t wait to make. This weekend, my father in law (Big has no patience for projects with me) is going to help me make a laundry basket dresser!  The link has a shopping list with all the dimensions and Lowes will actually cut pieces of wood for you. Just bring the dimensions and leave with all the right pieces! This will eliminate any fights with Big about me using his power tools and cut the time of the project in half. BONUS! There’s no cleanup either! We get tons of hand-me-downs from family and the baskets will be a great way to organize all the kids clothes in the basement (by size and season…yes I am that bad!)  You can tell Spring is coming, I have the organizing bug.

Make the cake and forget about the calories!

recipe from: Grin and Bake It

  • 3 cups Flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 4 teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 1 1/2 cups Milk
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 teaspoons Vanilla
  • 1/2 cup ( 1 stick)  Butter, melted

  • 1 cup ( 2 sticks) Butter, softened
  • 1 cup Brown Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Flour
  • 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon

  • 2 cups Powdered Sugar
  • 5 Tablespoons Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9×13 glass baking pan with cooking spray. Set aside.
In an electric or stand mixer add the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, milk, eggs, and vanilla. Once combined well , slowly stir in the melted butter. Pour into the prepared 9×13 baking pan.
For topping, In a large bowl mix the 2 sticks of butter, brown sugar, flour and cinnamon together until well combined and creamy. Drop evenly over the batter by the tablespoonfuls and use a knife to marble/swirl through the cake.
Bake at 350 for 28-32 minutes or when a toothpick inserted near the center comes out nearly clean.
FOR GLAZE:  In a medium bowl, mix the powdered sugar, milk and vanilla together with a whisk. Drizzle evenly over the warm cake. Serve warm or at room temperature.
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